1. はじめに

The Java EE 6 platform allows you to write enterprise and web applications using much lesser code from its earlier versions. It breaks the ?gone size fits all?h approach with Profiles and improves on the Java EE 5 developer productivity features tremendously. Several specifications like Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, JavaServer Faces 2.0, Java API for RESTful Web Services 1.1, Java Persistence API 2.0, Servlet 3.0, Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.0, and Bean Validation 1.0 make the platform more powerful by adding new functionality and yet keeping it simple to use. NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ provide extensive tooling for Java EE 6.

This hands-on lab will build a typical 3-tier end-to-end Web application using Java EE 6 technologies including JPA2, JSF2, EJB 3.1, JAX-RS 1.1, Servlet 3, CDI 1.0, and Bean Validation 1.0. The application is developed using NetBeans 7 and deployed on GlassFish 3.1.1.

The latest copy of this document is always available at https://blogs.oracle.com/arungupta/resource/javaee6-hol-glassfish.pdf.

1.1. ソフトウェアダウンロード


Software Downloads

このアプリケーションの開発やデプロイにOracle WebLogic Server 12cを使いたい場合は https://blogs.oracle.com/arungupta/resource/javaee6-hol-weblogic.pdf のインストラクションに従ってください。

Project Versions



Java EE 6 ハンズオンラボドキュメント


2. 問題の説明
